Single-atom engineering of metal-organic frameworks toward healthcare



Enzymes participate in efficient biochemical reactions and maintain normal life activities living systems. Enzyme-based therapeutic interventions have been a major area of focus development the pharmaceutical industry. Taking advantage advanced nanotechnology smart design nanosystems for mimicking enzymatic behavior natural enzymes, nanozymes with tunable shown their promising application potential assisting or even substituting conventional pharmaceuticals. Remarkably, single-atomic 100% metal-atom utilization efficiency, satisfying catalytic performance, minimized systematic cytotoxicity present great promise toward practical applications. In this review, we highlight recent research advances metal-organic-framework-based healthcare applications portray principles underlying mechanisms, thus suggesting directions future rapidly developing field. Single-atomic nanocatalysts/nanozymes (SACs/SAEs) emerged as frontier on account maximum atom-utilization efficiency well-defined localized structure. Metal-organic frameworks (MOFs) featuring structural diversity functional tunability are host materials constructing SACs/SAEs. Further, pyrolysis MOF precursors under certain conditions can lead to formations MOF-derived first introduce classification mechanisms nanozymes, comprehensive characterization techniques SACs/SAEs, various synthetic methodologies MOF-based Next, SACs/SAEs area, i.e., cancer treatment, biosensing, antibacterial approaches, reactive oxygen species scavenging, environmental protection. 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عنوان ژورنال: Chem

سال: 2021

ISSN: ['2451-9308', '2451-9294']